Kmart in Hamilton City, Hamilton 3204
Location in Hamilton City / Hamilton(Phone number, Hours, map, Kmart in Hamilton City Stores near me)
Kmart is a discount department store that delivers irresistibly low prices on household items, clothing, home decor, health and beauty products, photographic equipment and developing. Below is the Kmart information like contact number, store locations, hours, email, address and near me locations of Kmart.
Kmart in Hamilton City Phone : (07) 837 0600
Weekdays hours: Mon to Fri: 8:00 am–12:00 am
Weekends hours: Sat-Sun: 8:00 am–12:00 am
Kmart in Hamilton City Address : Hamilton, Central Shopping Centre Bryce Street, Hamilton 3204, New Zealand
City & State : Hamilton City, Hamilton
Map : Directions
Find detailed information about Kmart in Hamilton City, Hamilton 3204 Locations, Hours, Phone number, Email, Holiday hours and Near me locations.
Kmart Regular Business Hours
What time does the Kmart Store Open and close?
Hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Tuesday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Wednesday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Thursday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Friday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Saturday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Sunday | 8:00 am | 12:00 am |
Store hours may vary
Holiday hours of Kmart
The hours of operation change during the holiday season. The majority of the stores will adjust hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
Map Directions & near me locations
Please, search Kmart near me locations from the map below. Also, use this store locator tool to find store locations near you.
Directions and locations to Kmart, Hamilton, Central Shopping Centre Bryce Street, Hamilton 3204, New Zealand
Service Department
- Order tracking
- Exchanges & returns
- Delivery
- Home & Living Toys
- Women Men Cloth
- Kids & Baby Sports
- Gifts & Party
Offers and Coupons for Kmart
About Kmart NZ
Kmart opened New Zealand’s first discount department store in Henderson, Auckland in 1988. Our customers may not have known back then, but it was the dawn of a new era for Kmart in New Zealand.
Today, Kmart delivers irresistibly low prices through more than 200 stores across Australia and New Zealand.
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See Also : EB Games in Hamilton City
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