Specsavers in Whangarei, Northland 0110
Location in Whangarei in Northland(Phone number, Hours, map, Specsavers in Whangarei Stores near me)Excellent service from start to finish from eyetest to replacing glasses.All staff kind friendly and understanding.Highly recommend others to go to specsavers.

Specsavers Optical Group Ltd is a British multinational optical retail chain, which operates mainly in the New Zealand country. Below is the Specsavers info like contact number, store locations, hours, email, address and near me locations of Specsavers.
Specsavers in Whangarei Phone : 09 438 3509
Email : customerservice@specsavers.co.nz
Weekdays hours: Mon-Tue-Wed-Fri: 8:00 am–5:30 pm and Thu: 8:00 am–7:00 pm
Weekends hours: Sat: 9:00 am–4:00 pm and Sun: Closed
Specsavers in Whangarei Address : Cnr Rathbone &, Robert Street, Whangarei 0110, New Zealand
City & State : Whangarei, Northland
Map : Directions
Website: https://www.specsavers.co.nz/
Find detailed information about Specsavers in Whangarei, Northland 0110 Locations, Hours, Phone number, Email, Holiday hours and Near me locations.
Specsavers Regular Business Hours
What time does the Specsavers Store Open and close?
Hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 8:00 am | 5:30 pm |
Tuesday | 8:00 am | 5:30 pm |
Wednesday | 8:00 am | 5:30 pm |
Thursday | 8:00 am | 7:00 pm |
Friday | 8:00 am | 5:30 pm |
Saturday | 9:00 am | 4:00 pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Store hours may vary
Holiday hours of Specsavers
The hours of operation change during the vacation season. Nearly all the stores will adapt hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:
- Christmas Day 25 Dec: Closed
- 28 Dec: Closed
- 26 Oct: Closed
Map Directions & near me locations
Please, search Specsavers near me locations from the map below. Also, use this store locator tool to find store locations near you.
Directions and locations to Specsavers, Cnr Rathbone &, Robert Street, Whangarei 0110, New Zealand
Service Department
- 3D scanning technology (OCT)
- Children’s eyecare
- Contact Lens
- Fitness to drive assessments
- Red eye assessments
- Eye tests
Offers and Coupons for Specsavers
- Offer and Sale available CLICK HERE
About Specsavers NZ
Specsavers was founded in 1984 by Doug and Mary Perkins, who started the business in their spare bedroom on a table-tennis table. They had moved to Guernsey after selling a small chain of West Country opticians.
Source of information : specsavers.co.nz
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See Also : ANZ Bank ATM in Whangarei
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Excellent service from start to finish from eyetest to replacing glasses.All staff kind friendly and understanding.Highly recommend others to go to specsavers.