ITM in Opotiki, Bay of Plenty 3122
Location in Opotiki / Bay of Plenty(Phone number, Hours, map, ITM in Opotiki Stores near me)
ITM is New Zealand's largest group of independent Timber, Hardware and Building Supplies Merchants. Whether it’s a deck in Dannevirke or a mansion in Marlborough, every project big. ITM is an acronym for Independent Timber Merchants Co-operative Limited. Below is the ITM info like contact number, store locations, hours, email, address and near me locations of ITM.
ITM in Opotiki Phone : 07 315 5984
Weekdays hours: Mon to Thu: 7.30 am-5.00 pm and Fri: 7.30 am-4.30 pm
Weekends hours: Sat: 8.00 am-12.00 pm and Sun: Closed
ITM in Opotiki Address : 21 Church Street, Opotiki 3122, New Zealand
City & State : Opotiki, Bay of Plenty
Map : Directions
Find detailed information about ITM in Opotiki, Bay Of Plenty 3122 Locations, Hours, Phone number, Email, Holiday hours and Near me locations.
ITM Regular Business Hours
What time does the ITM Store Open and close?
Hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 7.30 am | 5.00 pm |
Tuesday | 7.30 am | 5.00 pm |
Wednesday | 7.30 am | 5.00 pm |
Thursday | 7.30 am | 5.00 pm |
Friday | 7.30 am | 4.30 pm |
Saturday | 8.00 am | 12.00 pm |
Sunday | Closed |
Store hours may vary
Holiday hours of ITM
The hours of operation change during the vacation season. Nearly all the stores will adapt hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
- New Year’s Day – 1 January
- Day after New Year’s – 2 January
Map Directions & near me locations
Please, search ITM near me locations from the map below. Also, use this store locator tool to find store locations near you.
Directions and locations to ITM, 21 Church Street, Opotiki 3122, New Zealand
Service Department
- Concrete, Cement & Masonry
- Doors & Mouldings
- Exterior Claddings
- Flooring
- GIB Plasterboard
- Estimator Services
- Rural Building
- National Accounts
- Installers and Contractors
- Sustainable Building
- Onsite Waste Management
Offers and Coupons for ITM
Offer valid for quotes received between July 1st and September 30th, 2020.
- Offer available until September 30th, 2020.
- Minimum spend of $10,000 excluding GST required to qualify.
- Offer available at selected ITM stores only.
About ITM NZ
ITM isn’t long and complicated and it isn’t a product of leveraged corporate takeovers or anything else you hear about these days.
ITM Cooperative Society in the belief that independently owned businesses could not only survive, but thrive when they combined their efforts.
Source of information :
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See Also : Subway in Opotiki
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